Update today is that we got the projection mapping going.

We went to Iain's house because he's got a super cool laser projector, some regular lasers, some midi controllers and a ton of experience with TouchDesigner.

Iain and Ben calibrating the TouchDesigner window to display onto the Hex model, using the knobs of the midi controller to quickly make adjustments

Iain and Ben calibrating the TouchDesigner window to display onto the Hex model, using the knobs of the midi controller to quickly make adjustments


First order of business was repeating the hex layout pattern so that we could use it as a blend mode with our selected videos.

Thankfully TouchDesigner is based on Houdini from way back, meaning it supports Python scripts. After some futzing we managed to get exactly the tops of the hexes projected on the mold with no bleed over the sides.


Honesty a super productive day and I'm really happy how it all came out. Huge thanks to Iain for his help with all of this!